How to get prepared for the first date

The first date is very exciting and important moment in the life of every girl. And if a girl wants to continue these relationships, it is better to be aware of certain rules of preparation and behavior on the first date compiled by Toronto psychologists. Read here what to do to get the most out of your first date.

1. Do not experiment
A day before a date is not the best time for experiments related to your image alteration. There is a risk that a new hairstyle or hair color will not suit you. Then you will have to cancel a long-awaited dating, or your partner will not appreciate your new look.

2. Be well-groomed
Remember that well-groomed and neat woman attracts the representatives of the opposite sex the most. Pay attention to your skin state, as a man you like will have a good opportunity to discern every freckle or age spot on your face. Therefore, it is better to visit a clinic for age spots removal and skin state perfection when preparing for a date. Do not forget about your hands. French manicure is the best choice for the first date. As for the hairstyle, it is better not to make complex sculptural compositions on your head, but to leave a flowing hair.

3. Choose the right perfume
When choosing a perfume remember that men consider the natural smell of a woman the most attractive. So do not use too saturated and persistent scents. It is better to give preference to easy and unobtrusive ones.

4. Choose the right clothes
Firstly, it is advisable to choose clothes that emphasize your body shape, but modest and tasteful. Avoid deep decolletes and transparent fabrics not to look vulgar. Secondly, choose a dress in which you will feel comfortable. Do not wear high-heeled shoes, if you are not accustomed to such kind of footwear. Terrible fatigue in the legs can turn the most beautiful date in the brutal torture. Your image must match your character.

5. Relax and be yourself

Of course, not everyone is able to stay calm in front of such an exciting event. Try to relax and gain confidence. Tune in optimistic mood and smile. Sincere, kind smile expresses sympathy. Behave naturally, be yourself!

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